It’s not always easy to do the right thing. However, by thinking about these quotes it can help to motivate you in making the proper choices in life.
“To see what is right and not do it is a lack of courage.” Confucius, philosopher
“Taking the route of doing the right thing takes more effort and can be more painful. It’s often seemingly the harder thing to do. But when you understand how you are hurting yourself it gets a lot harder to just avoid doing the right thing. The perceived advantages of not doing the right thing – such as it being easier – tend to lose their power and are replaced with a more clearer understanding of what you are doing to yourself and others.” Henrik Edberg
“At work and at home we face a multitude of decisions every day. Some are easy; some are hard. At times, there is no “good” or “ideal” decision—just the better of two that are either painful, or wrong.” John Mariotti
“…And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6: 9
“We all have hopes and aspirations. We were shaped by the hopes and aspirations of our parents and by society as a whole. The tricky part is asking "how am I doing?" about the right things because that one question actually contains many smaller, more specific inquiries. Every phase of the human life cycle is meant to be fulfilled. That is why we have inner potential and desires that move us forward.” Deepak Chopra, The Important Question is Always the Same
“Our lives speak through our actions and reactions, our intuitions and instincts, our feelings and bodily states, perhaps more profoundly than through words. If we can learn to read our own responses, we'll receive the guidance we need to live more authentic lives.” Parker J. Palmer, Are You Listening to Your Life?
“My brand developed deliberately by accident. One choice at a time. No strategic planning. No marketing or development experts. Just daily choosing to do what felt like the right thing to do.” Oprah Winfrey, What I Know For Sure
“Each of us represents our own life brand. And using your instinct and feelings as your personal GPS puts you in a position to make the best choices for you.” Oprah Winfrey, What I Know for Sure
“By following your natural inclinations. What is right for you won't be hidden if you are connected to yourself and willing to follow where your desires lead you.” Deepak Chopra, How Do You Know If You’re Doing the Right Thing
“…tough choices become easier when we think about them in terms of doing the right thing, and although it may hurt initially, it invariably makes things better in the long run.” Robert Vaux, How to Choose to Do the Right Thing
“Ask yourself how your decision will affect other people. Take their feelings and considerations into mind and think about them in terms of the Golden Rule: treat other people the way you want to be treated.” Robert Vaux, How to Choose to Do the Right Thing
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