An Old Sailor And A Young Professor

Once a young professor was making a sea voyage. He was a highly educated man with a long tail of letters after his name, but he had little experience of life. In the crew of the ship on which he was travelling was an illiterate old sailor. Every evening, the sailor would visit the cabin of the young professor to listen to him lecture on many different subjects. He was very impressed with the learning of the young man.

One evening as the sailor was about to leave the cabin after several hours of conversation, the professor asked, "Old man, have you studied geology ?"

"What is that, Sir?"

"The science of the earth."

"No, Sir, I have never been to any school or college. I have never studied anything."

"Old man, you have wasted a quarter of your life."

With a long face the old sailor went away. "If such a learned person says so, certainly it must be true," he thought. "I have wasted a quarter of my life !"

Next evening again as the sailor was about to leave the cabin, the professor asked him, "Old man, have you studied oceanography?"

"What is that, Sir ?"

"The science of the sea."

"No, Sir, I have never studied anything."

"Old man, you have wasted half your life."

With a still longer face the sailor went away: "I have wasted half my life; this learned man says so."

Next evening once again the young professor questioned the old sailor: "Old man, have you studied meteorology?"

"What is that, Sir? I have never even heard of it."

"Why, the science of the wind, the rain, the weather."

"No, Sir. As I told you, I have never been to any school. I have never studied anything."

"You have not studied the science of the earth on which you live; you have not studied the science of the sea on which you earn your livelihood; you have not studied the science of the weather which you encounter every day? Old man, you have wasted three quarters of your life."

The old sailor was very unhappy : "This learned man says that I have wasted three quarters of my life ! Certainly I must have wasted three quarters of my life."

The next day it was the turn of the old sailor. He came running to the cabin of the young man and cried, "Professor Sir, have you studied swimology."

"Swimology ? What do you mean ?"

"Can you swim, Sir ?"

"No, I don’t know how to swim."

"Professor Sir, you have wasted all your life ! The ship has struck a rock and is sinking. Those who can swim may reach the nearby shore, but those who cannot swim will drown. I am so sorry, Professor Sir, you have surely lost your life."

Moral of this story...Of course the professor may have studied astronomy, oceanology, or meteorology, but the most important thing a sailor need to be mastered is learning how to swim. Similarly, the most important thing we need to be mastered in life is not learning about electronics, cars, technology, but how to keep the head still above the water in the stream of life and a wave of uncertainty life. There are calm days in life, yet there are also stormy day ini life. But have you learned how to swim if your ship is sinking ? When you lose all your properties, the stock market crashed, abandoned by spouse, lost a dear one ? If you have not learned yet, then disappointment and sorrow will drown you.

So what does "swimming" mean ? Knowing how to care, compassionate, and knowing what is really important in life. At the time, you will never sink.
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Motivational Speaker- Brian Tracy Quotes


Brian Tracy has helped many to achieve their full potential.  Below are some of his very motivational quotes.  If you are having a difficult time accomplishing your goals then reading these quotes can be very helpful. 

“Spend 80 percent of your time focusing on the opportunities of tomorrow rather than the problems of yesterday.” Brian Tracy Quotes

“The only time you'll ever have is now.” Brian Tracy Quotes

“Decide exactly what you want and resolve to persist, no matter what, until you achieve it.” Brian Tracy Quotes

“The universe is completely balanced and in perfect order. You will always be compensated in full for everything you do.” Brian Tracy Quotes

“Perhaps the best success factor and habit you can develop is to take advantage of the golden hour and start every day in a thoughtful, productive way that sets you up for greater success in the hours ahead.” Brian Tracy Quotes

Don’t hurry or rush around frantically to get the job done. Maintain an easy pace and work steadily. Remember the fable of ‘‘The Tortoise and the Hare’’? Highly productive people work with a certain rhythm that allows them to flow through enormous amounts of work without becoming stressed or anxious.” Brian Tracy Quotes

“Every single time you act consistently with the highest virtues that you know, you feel happy and strong inside, your self-confidence and self-esteem go up and you become more effective in your relationships and in your work.” Brian Tracy Quotes

It is impossible for us to proceed in any kind of a relationship unless we trust and feel confident with the other person.  All good friendships are based on trust. All strong families are based on trust. And in companies, which are larger business families, trust is the fundamental ingredient that determines the success and prosperity of the enterprise.” Brian Tracy Quotes

Developing good work habits requires that you think before acting. You make a list and set priorities on the list before you begin. Good work habits require that you consider the likely consequences, positive or negative of what you are doing.” Brian Tracy Quotes

You’re being the very best person you can be only when you have the courage and the fortitude to allow your definition of happiness, whatever it may be, to be the guiding light of every part of your life.” Brian Tracy Quotes

As a fully functioning, fully mature adult, you should be doing things every day that move you toward the fulfillment of your potential. You should feel grateful for all your blessings in every area. If you are unhappy or dissatisfied in any part of your life, something is not right in your thoughts, feelings, or actions, and it needs to be corrected.” Brian Tracy Quotes

Visit Brian Tracy’s website here

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Napoleon Hill

"The starting point of all achievement is desire.  Keep this constantly in mind.  Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat."

American Author

1883 - 1970

The difference between the winners and losers is in the amount of desire they have.  Do you have the desire to do what it takes to become successful or do you give up too quickly?  Many people have dreams, hopes and even goals, but few have an abundance of desire.  For only if you have desire are you willing to make the sacrifices needed to be successful.

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Best Quotes

As long as I can

I will look at this world for both of us.

As long as  I can

I will laugh with the birds,

I will sing with the flowers,

I will pray to the stars, for both of us.

As long as I can

I will remember how many things on this earth were your joy.

And  I will live as well as you would want me to live

As long as I can


                               "For Both of Us," Wintersun

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Motivational Speaker: Inspirational Ron White Quotes

Ron White is a well known memory and sales training expert.  His inspirational quotes are not only beneficial in the business world but can be used in your personal life as well. Thinking about these quotes and applying the suggestions can bring great success to your future.  Enjoy!

Ron White Quotes

“Here are some tips to developing and maintaining an athletic brain:
1. Good nutrition and exercise - Spinach, Blueberries and Omega-3 are all known to be good for your brain
2. Relax your mind with meditation, reading, hobbies or yoga
3. Challenge your brain with puzzles, reading or, best of all, memory training!” Ron White Quotes

“There is something about journaling that activates your brain and gets your subconscious thinking. It works! If you want to feel like a great thinker, get a journal and start putting the greatest computer ever created (your brain) to work brainstorming, planning and creating!”
Ron White Quotes

“…make your goal to put up Hall of Fame numbers today, and then one day you can look back and enjoy the effort you put in today.” Ron White Quotes

“In your life, business and relationships, I encourage you to consider becoming a person of value first and foremost… if you give value first and make it your goal, success is bound to follow.” Ron White Quotes

“Do situations and people change? Sure they do, but rarely will things change while you are in the comfort zone of how things currently are. In other words, if you have a business relationship that must end ultimately but you are just hoping things will change, they may change, but not until you first make a change by ending the business relationship or taking a step back.” Ron White Quotes

“My suggestion to you is don't wallow in a bad decision. BIG DEAL! You made a bad decision, but you still made a decision. Congratulate yourself on that, learn from it and be better next time.” Ron White Quotes

For a complete listing of Ron White's CDs and downloadable products go here.

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Jim Rohn Quotes

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Octavia E. Butler

"You don't start out writing good stuff.  You start out writing crap and thinking it's good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it.  That's why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence."

American Novelist

1947 - 2006

Practicing any of the arts takes patience and persistence.  Nothing happens overnight.  Many people quit too soon.  They become frustrated because what they produce does not match what is in their imagination.  And this quitting begins early in life.  Today I saw a four-year old girl who was working on a painting of the ocean became frustrated because the painting did not match what was in her mind.  She burst into tears.  Has this happened to you?  Do you become so frustrated that you quit?  Do you give up on your work?

Here is a video about Octavia Butler.

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Walt Disney

"All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them."

— Walt Disney

American Film Director, Producer

1901 - 1966

Why do you think that everyone is given dreams?  Why do you think some people never achieve their dreams?  Are unachieved dreams some form of punishment?  Does God want us to fail?  Are we meant to fail?  Are we given dreams we cannot achieve so we can suffer? Are we to blame because we failed?

Maybe it is time to examine your dreams and understand from where they came.  Maybe it is time to pursue your dreams — to believe in the gifts that you have been given.  Maybe it is time to follow your dreams no matter where they may lead you.  And remember your dreams may lead you to places you never dreamed about.
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Quotes on GREEKS

I fear  the Greeks, even when bringing  gifts.

( Timeo Danaos et dona ferentis.)

                                        -VIRGIL, Aeneid, II
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Quotes on GREECE

The isles of Greece, the isles of Greece !

  Where burning Sappho loved and sung,

Where grew the arts of war and peace,

  Where Delos rose, and Phoebus sprung !

Eternal summer gilds them yet,

But all, except their sun is set.

                            -BYRON, Don Juan , III
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Ah vanity of vanities !

  How wayward the decrees of fate are,

How very weak the very wise,

 How very small the very great are !

                                 -THACKERAY, Vanitas  Vanitatum
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Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world

Like a  Colossus, and we pretty men

Walk under his huge legs and peep about

To find ourselves dishonourable graves.

                                -SHAKESPEARE ,Julius Caesar, I, 2
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But be not afraid of greatness: some are born great,

some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon 'em.

                                          -SHAKESPEARE, Twelfth Night, II, 5
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The great are only great because we are on our knees.

Let us rise !

                   -P.J.PROUDHON , Revolutions of Paris:Motto
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That man is great, and he alone

Who serves a greatness  not his own,

    For neither praise  nor pelf;

Content to know and be unknown;

  Whole in himself.

                         -OWEN MEREDITH, A Great Man
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The heights by great men reached and kept

   Were not attained by sudden flight,

But they, while their companions slept,

  Were toiling upward in the night.

                    -LONGFELLOW, The Ladder of  St. Augustine
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How dreary to be somebody !

How public, like a frog

To tell your name the livelong dary

To an admiring bog!

                                -EMILY DICKINSON, Poems,1

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Quotes on Forever Remembered

The healing began when a friend embraced me,

leaving some of his tears on my cheek.

                                -Time Remebered
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Abraham Lincoln

"I do the very best I know how — the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing it until the end."

American President

1809 - 1865

All we can hope to do is our very best.  We can do no more.  We will not be able to please everyone so we need to please ourselves.   Don't compare yourself to others.  They are not you.  You are unique.  There is not another person on this planet with the exact same talents and skills.  You are not in competition with others.  You are only in competition with yourself.  Do the very best that you can do and keep on doing it even when others don't appreciate it.
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Quotes on SOCIETY

Ermined and minked and  Persian-lambed,

   Be-puffed ( be-painted, too, alas !)

Be-decked, be-diamond--be damned !

  The Women of the Better Class.

                          -OLIVER HERFORD, The Women of the Better Class
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Quotes on SNOW

Oh! the snow,  the beautiful snow ,

Falling the sky and the earth below;

                     -J.W.WATSON, Beautiful Snow
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Quotes on SNOW

Where are the snows of yesteryear ?

(Ou' sont les neiges d'antan ?)

                         -VILLON, Ballade des dames du temp jadis

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Whenever a snowflake leaves the sky,

It turns and turns to say, "Good-by !

Good-by ,dear clouds, so cool and gray !"

Then lightly travels on its way.

                         -MARY MAPES DODGE, Snowflakes
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Mark Twain

"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear — not absence of fear."

American Writer 

1835 - 1910

Fear is important to our safety and longevity.  We need fear in order to be aware of danger.  Yet, fear can also be destructive if we are afraid of the wrong things.  Fear can both protect us and cause us harm.  The challenge is to distinguish between the two possible results.  If we are in danger, fear will help protect us.  But if we are not in danger, yet are afraid, the fear causes harm to the soul and the spirit.

As writers and artists, we should not be afraid to create.  This fear is harmful to the soul.  Resist this kind of fear.  Learn to master the fear.  Don't let the fear overwhelm you.
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George S. Patton

"If a man has done his best, what else is there?"


American General

1885 - 1945

If you have done your best, then pat yourself on the back and celebrate.   We are never going to be perfect.  We need to give it our best shot and stop worrying.  We are sometimes too harsh on ourselves and we must learn to accept who we are and what we have done. 

Now if we have not done our best, that is a different story.  We need to always push ourselves to do our best.  No loafing or pretending.  But once we have done our best, then we need to learn to let go.
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Quote on RUMOUR

Rumour is a pipe

Blown by surmises, jealousies, conjectures.

                                                        -SHAKESPEARE, Henry IV, II, Induction
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Quotes on SLANDER

Whose edge is sharper than the sword, whose tongue

Outvenoms all the worms of Nile. whose breath

Rides on the posting winds and doth belie

All corners of the world: Kings, queens and states,

Maids, matrons, nay, the secrets of the grave

This viperous slander enters.

                                                -SHAKESPEARE, Cymbeline,III,4
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Quotes on SLANDER

If slander be a snake, it is a winged one - it flies as well as creeps.

                                                               -DOUGLAS JERROLD, Slander
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Quotes on SLANDER

If for a transquil mind you seek,

   These things observe with care;

Of whom you speak, to whom you speak

  And how, and when, and where.

                                -ANON, A Rule of Conduct
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Oh! ever thus from childhood's hour,

    I've seen my foundest hopes decay;

I never lov'd a tree or flower,

   But 'twas the first to fade away.

I never nurs'd a dear gazelle,

   To glad me with its soft black eye,

But when it came to know me well,

And love me,it was sure to die

                -Thomas moore, Lalla rookh
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......................... the ultimate failures of dictatorship cost humanity  far

more than any temporary failures of democracy.

                                 FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT,   Address,  1937
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Dictatorship - a fetish worship of one man - is a pasing phase.

A state of society where men may not speak their minds,

where children denounce their parents to the police ......such a state of society cannot long endure.

                                            -WINSTON CHURCHILL, Blood, Sweat and Tears
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Quotes on DEVIL

The prince of darkness is a gentleman.


                                  -SHAKESPEARE,  King Lear, III, 4
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Quotes on DEVIL

The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.

                            -SHAKESPEARE, Merchant of Venice, 1, 3
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Quotes on DEVIL

Forthwith the Devil did appear,

For name him, and he's always near.

                               -MATTHEW PRIOR, Hans Carvel
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Motivational Speaker: Inspirational Denis Waitley Quotes

Denis Waitley is a well known author that has inspired others through his words. Read these motivational quotes and feel free to subscribe to his newsletter.

Denis Waitley Quotes:

“When you have even a small success, reinforce that success by rewarding yourself and feeling pride, rather than feeling lucky or guilty for the attention.” Denis Waitley Quote

“Human greatness can't be externally motivated. It must be compelled from within. A magnificent obsession is the way you want to live, not just the things you want to own. A magnificent obsession is the person you want to be, not the title on your office door or business card. A magnificent obsession is the mind-set that you have, not the diplomas or awards you earn. It is the worldview you claim as your own, not the collection of stamps on your passport. It is uniquely yours, like your fingerprint or handwriting.” Denis Waitley Quote

“We should say, "First serve in," for the tennis player. "I'm a punctual, on-time person." "I'm reaching my desired weight." "I speak slowly, clearly and confidently." "I remain calm and relaxed under pressure." These are all positive goal statements, images of achievement, which pull us in the direction of the desired behavior rather than away from the undesired habit.”  Denis Waitley Quote

“…read a biography of someone you admire who has overcome great hurdles to become successful. When you learn what many of them had to endure, you are less overwhelmed by the obstacles you face. Every hardship you face has been endured and conquered by someone before you.” Denis Waitley Quote

“The greatest risk in life is to wait for and depend upon others for your own security.
The greatest security is to plan and act, and take the risk that will ultimately ensure your personal freedom and independence.” Denis Waitley Quote

“No significant decisions—personal or business—have ever been undertaken without the attendant feelings of anxiety, uncertainty and guilt. The commitment to wade through these inevitable crises is the meaning of courage. Denis Waitley Quote

Reproduced with permission from the Denis Waitley Newsletter.
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© 2011 Denis Waitley International. All rights reserved worldwide.

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